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TOP9.com News Release

August 01, 2000

CONTACT: Terry Redding: 703-359-0200 x478

TOP9.COM Announces Kid-Friendly Website Index


The internet search and ranking directory TOP9.com announced today the completion of an index of the top-ranking sites designed for children. The index pulls together TOP9.com content from 10 different categories related to education, toys, games, shopping and general entertainment into an easy-to-navigate listing of favorite sites.

"We have made TOP9.com family-friendly from the start, and this index now offers a one-stop service for children," said TOP9.com president Dan Bohan. "Parents are assured the sites are safe and kids will find quick navigation to 90 of their favorite sites within the 10 categories. We've made it easy to just point and click, without having to type in keywords or URLs."

The index is located at http://www.top9.com/kids/index.html. A link from the TOP9.com home page can also steer children to the index.

TOP9.com is the first Internet ranking directory to display objective rankings for the web's top sites, based on scientific data on consumer preference. Usage figures are provided by PCData Online, and can not be influenced by outside factors. Nearly 300 categories are available through a point-and-click format, and rankings are updated monthly.

In related news, TOP9.com recently announced a listing of annoying sites which "lock in" users, and is soon slated to announce a listing of sites which use "pop-up" windows.

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