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RELEASE: March 6, 2000
CONTACT: Dan Bohan, President, Top9.com: 703-359-8868


The Internet ranking and search directory Top9.com announced today the release of a new ranking category, "Talk Radio." The category falls under the "Arts & Entertainment" section of Top9.com, and lists artbell.com, bobandtom.com and drlaura.com as the top-ranked websites for talk radio.

"We think this new category will generate a good deal of interest among talk radio fans wishing to track how their favorite talk radio websites--both stations and shows--rank from month to month," said Top9.com president Dan Bohan . He added that Top9.com has been online only since December, and is still in the process of refining its nearly 300 categories.

Three other talk radio show sites round out the Top 9: thislife.org at number four, tomjoyner.com at number six and thebigshow.com at number seven. Three talk radio station websites are in the Top 9 as well: wwj.com at number five, kyw1060.com at number eight and wnew.com at number nine.

Top9.com is the Internet's first search directory to use consumer intelligence to comprehensively rank the most popular websites by industry category. Top9.com is a new business venture of Omega World Travel, and has signed a five-year agreement with PC Data Online for exclusive rights to their consumer research intelligence. The talk radio sites can be found by navigating from the Top 9 home page at www.top9.com.

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